Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sacrament of Softball

This summer I am the co-captain of our church's summer softball team. It has been a real joy and pleasure so far. We have tons of fun playing against other churches. We aren't the best team in the league (2-6 so far). However, we do have more fun than any team we've played so far!

Some of my team was suggesting that softball needed to make it into the church's vision and mission statement. We have the Bringing Road, Sending Road, and the Softball Road. In fact, we decided that we were engaging in the sacrament of softball.

Now officially in the Anglican church, a priest is supposed to administer the Sacraments. So, I guess Grant and I are sort of sneaking in the back door into ordination. I don't think many aspirants have caught on to this little secret yet. But in the future, I expect our softball team to be full of the aspiring deacons and priests in our church.

Okay, well maybe not. But softball is still really fun.

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